I was born on April 4, 1981 in Guayaquil Ecuador. I was born with Cerebral Palsy since birth. I am very outgoing and positive minded, never giving up! Nobody can let me make me feel less of a person because of my disability.
I started doing something for myself from the very beginning. I was going to school with some difficulties. It was not the same as other students. I learned to think differently, and get the best out of each day.
I have a musical family. I started to learn playing flute, clarinet, and saxophone. It helped me tremendously. I play music to make other people happy and joyful. Sometimes they sing along with me.
I am also active in sports. I like swimming, riding bicycle, and horseback riding. Right now, I am working for the Special Olympics. I challenge myself everyday, no matter what.
Since I started going to Tai Chi class with Nan Wang, the quality of my life has improved 360 degrees. My health has improved. My breathing, my arms and my legs are stronger. I can balance batter with one crutch.
Now I'm learning to eat healthy, and learning speaking and writing, math, history, and science. The rhythm of music helps me a lot while I'm studying.
I have overcome many difficulties and obstacle in my life, and I will continue to achieve my success in everyday life.